Download instruction manual, sticker template etc.
1. Instruction manuals in PDF
#59-Megaminx Ball V1.0
#60-Megaminx Ball V1.0 -C1
#62-Rhombic Triacontahedron V1.0
#63-Rhombic Tuttminx
#64-Rhombic Triacontahedron V1.0 -F1
#65-Rhombic Tuttminx -F1
#66-Icosahedron V1.0
#67-Icosahedron Chaotic
#68-Icosahedron 77
#69-Spherical Tuttminx
#70-Spherical Tuttminx 66
#71-Rhombic Tuttminx 66
#72-Corner Only Megaminx (D5A1)
#73-9TH Megaminx Ball (D9)
#75-Giga Rhombic Tuttminx
#77-CORD V1.0
#78-Crazy Chopper
#79-Crazy Chopper -F1
#80-DIRT V1.0
#81-Big Stingray/IRT V1.0
#82-IRT V1.0 -F1
#83-IRT V1.0 -F2
#85-Rhombic Tuttminx -F2
#86-C1O3 -M5
#88-Tuttminx -F1
#89-Tuttminx -F2
#90-Classical Tuttminx V2.0
#93-DIRT -CL1
#94-DIRT -CL1 -F1
Link format:, where NUM=59, 60, 61, ..., = model number. For example, the link for instruction manual of #83 is
2. Sticker templates in PDF
These files should not be used for commercial purpose. Users are taking full responsibility of any consequences by using these files.
Let us know if you find any problems. All dimensions in millimeter(mm).
#58-Wandering Tuttminx - part 1
#58-Wandering Tuttminx - part 2
#59-Megaminx Ball V1.0
#60-Megaminx Ball V1.0 -C1
#62-Rhombic Triacontahedron V1.0
#63-Rhombic Tuttminx V1.0
#64-Rhombic Triacontahedron V1.0 -F1
#65-Rhombic Tuttminx V1.0 -F1
#66-Icosahedron V1.0
#67-Icosahedron Chaotic
#68-Icosahedron 77
#69-Spherical Tuttminx
#70-Spherical Tuttminx 66
#71-Rhombic Tuttminx 66
#72-Corner Only Megaminx (D5A1)
#73-9TH Megaminx Ball (D9)
#75-Giga Rhombic Tuttminx
#77-CORD V1.0
#78-Crazy Chopper
#79-Crazy Chopper -F1
#80-DIRT V1.0
#81-Big Stingray (IRT V1.0)
#82-IRT V1.0 -F1
#83-IRT V1.0 -F2
#85-Rhombic Tuttminx -F2
#86-C1O3 M5
#87-C1O3 M5 -L2
#88-Tuttminx -F1
#89-Tuttminx -F2
#90-Classical Tuttminx V2
#93-DIRT CL1
#94-DIRT CL1 -F1
Classical Tuttminx V1 (part 1)
Classical Tuttminx V1 (part 2)
Clover Cube
Clover Cube Plus (part 1)
Clover Cube Plus (part 2)
Clover Dodecahedron
Clover Icosahedron
Clover Octahedron
Clover Octahedron Fragmentation
Geranium V2 (common template)
Hex Shaper
New Tuttminx (part 1)
New Tuttminx (part 2)
Slip 3
Snow Mystery
Speed Tuttminx
Super Star
Truncated Icosahedron (part 1)
Truncated Icosahedron (part 2)
Truncated Icosahedron (part 3)
Tuttminx V1 (curvy)
Void Tuttminx (part 1)
Void Tuttminx (part 2)
Void Truncated Icosahedron (part 1)
Void Truncated Icosahedron (part 2)
Void Truncated Icosahedron (part 3)
Last Update: 2024.01.18