Twisty Puzzles

Twisty Puzzles

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#60-Megaminx Ball V1.0 - C1

#60-Megaminx Ball V1.0 - C1

Megaminx Ball V1.0 - C1 is a variation of megaminx ball with two opposite pentagonal faces replaced ..


#61-Gigatuttminx / Rayminx

#61-Gigatuttminx / Rayminx

Rayminx is a double-layered Tuttminx, firstly prototyped by Ray Bruner, later mass produced by VeryP..


#62-RT V1.0

#62-RT V1.0

RT v1.0 is a fundamental example of RT axis system, or the axis system defined by faces of a Rhombic..


#63-Rhombic Tuttminx

#63-Rhombic Tuttminx

Rhombic Tuttminx is a puzzle based on D+RT axis system. As the name indicates, in its analogy with T..


#64-RT V1 F1

#64-RT V1 F1

RT v1.0 is a fundamental example of RT axis system, or the axis system defined by faces of a Rhombic..


#65-Rhombic Tuttminx - F1

#65-Rhombic Tuttminx - F1

The Rhombic Tuttminx F1 is a partially unbandaged/fragmentation version of Rhombic Tuttminx. Two sym..


#66-Icosahedron V1.0

#66-Icosahedron V1.0

Icosahedron V1.0 is another fundamental example in platonic axis system. We made this model mainly t..


#68-Icosahedron 77

#68-Icosahedron 77

Icosahedron 77 is a variation of Icosahedron V1.0 (MF1909) by adding 4 more cuts to 12 hexagonal fac..


#69-Spherical Tuttminx

#69-Spherical Tuttminx

Spherical Tuttminx is a Tuttminx in its spherical form.Ever since we made the first Tuttminx (by Lee..


#70-Spherical Tuttminx 66

#70-Spherical Tuttminx 66

Spherical Tuttminx 66 can be seen as a C1 version of Spherical Tuttminx, i.e., it was obtained by su..


#71-Rhombic Tuttminx 66

#71-Rhombic Tuttminx 66

Rhombic Tuttminx can be seen as a C1 version of Rhombic Tuttminx, i.e., it was obtained by substitut..


#72-Corner Only Megaminx (D5A1)

#72-Corner Only Megaminx (D5A1)

Corner Only Megaminx (D5A1)  can be seen as the result of extending the corner pieces of Megami..


#73-9th Megaminx Ball (D9)

#73-9th Megaminx Ball (D9)

The 9th Megaminx (D9)  can be seen as a deeper cut megaminx.Please be fully aware that this pro..




This puzzle  can be seen as an edge and corner turning cube in sphere form.Please be fully awar..


#77-CORD V1.0

#77-CORD V1.0

This puzzle  can be seen as an face, edge and corner turning cube in sphere form. It has 6+8+12..


#78-Crazy Chopper

#78-Crazy Chopper

This puzzle  can be seen as an face and edge turning cube in sphere form. It has 6+12=18 axis o..


#79-Crazy Chopper F1

#79-Crazy Chopper F1

This puzzle  can be seen as an face and edge turning cube in sphere form. It has 6+12=18 axis o..


#80-DIRT V1.0

#80-DIRT V1.0

DIRT V1.0 is a 62 axis twisty puzzle that combines 3 axis systems, namely Dodecahedral, Icosahedral ..


#81-Big Stingray

#81-Big Stingray

Big Stingray or IRT V1.0 is a twisty puzzle based on face axes of Icosahedron and Rhombic Triacontah..


#82-IRT V1 F1

#82-IRT V1 F1

#82-IRT V1 F1 is a variant of Big Stingray with added cuts on quadrilateral faces. It is based on th..


#83-IRT V1 F2

#83-IRT V1 F2

#83-IRT V1 F2 is a variant of Big Stingray with extra cuts on hexagonal faces. It is based on the sa..


Showing 1 to 21 of 29 (2 Pages)